5 Tips for Creating Exciting Blog Content

blog content

You’re on the hunt for information, so you do a search and up pops a list of websites. As you scroll through the blog content, what makes you stay or move on? What is it that makes one blog more exciting than another? In other words, what makes you land on a page and stay there? 

Somewhere in the endless list of articles is the information you seek. But where? And how far do you need to mine to find it? All are good questions. 

Countless writers can write about the same subject. As you open blog after blog, you’re likely to see the same content presented in different ways. Rewording is common, and let’s face it, most writers have deadlines, and most readers need answers.

Take heart. There’s only so much information out there; the key is keeping it fresh.

So. This post is for writers who want readers. Those who don’t want to copy every other writer. But how do you do that? Here are some tips that might help:

Do Your Homework

Homework and research; it’s the same thing. The good news is that learning never gets old. Sorry, but this step is necessary. 

Using reputable sources is key to providing valid information—sources such as the encyclopedia or pulling data from association websites that have years of expertise invested. 

If your subject is the health hazards of mold, you will enter the subject into a search engine. When the web page loads, scroll down and see what catches your eye. Using information from a personal blog helps give perspective, but you also want to use relevant documented facts derived from Medline, Web MD, or other medical sources. 

There are a wealth of great blogs out there. But you’d be surprised how many bloggers skip the step of documented research. 

Research is necessary if you want to help your readers weed out the fluff. Anticipating your reader’s questions is the first step in research; drawing information from documented sources is the second.

Write What You Know

If you’ve had firsthand experience with the subject matter, by all means, include it. Bringing a personal view helps to connect the reader to what worked for you and what didn’t. But what if you do not know the subject? Don’t just rely on what other bloggers write. Chances are you know people who have hands-on experience – ask them.

If your subject is car repair and you are not skilled, ask someone you know about it. What tools do they use, and how often do they have their tires rotated? What do they look for in a trustworthy mechanic?

Between your colleagues, family, and friends, there’s someone who knows at least a little about your subject. 

Keep Paragraphs Short

We’ve all opened an article that has rambling paragraphs, and our first thought is, “Not on your life.” 
There’s a saying that facilitators use in training that says, “Your mind can only absorb what your rear end can tolerate.” That’s their way of saying if you try to keep people’s attention too long, you will lose them.

The same is true of long paragraphs; your reader will only read what their eyes can tolerate. If your sections are too long, don’t be surprised when the reader moves on.

Use a Checklist 

Your checklist should include, at a bare minimum, the following:

  • Questions – what does the reader want to know? Questions should lead to more questions.
  • Brainstorm
  • Research
  • Quotes if you can find them, even if you don’t use them
  • Personal experience from someone (if not you)
  • Takeaways (What will the reader remember?)

First Write, Rewrite, and Then Rewrite 

Oh, the dreaded word “revision.” But this is probably the most crucial step. The bottom line is, if you don’t enjoy the rewrite, then you probably don’t enjoy writing. Rewriting is the writer’s playground; it’s where you play with words.
When your goal is to offer the best insight, then the last thing you want is to lose the reader with sloppy work. 
So get ready! Write with complete abandon and get it all down. Put the inner editor in you on the shelf; you don’t need it yet.

Once you complete your first draft, you can let your editor out of the box—time to read your work and make changes.
We know you are on a deadline. But if possible, take the time to let someone else read it. Ask if it makes sense and if anything is confusing. You’re not fishing for compliments; you need an honest opinion. If you sense your reader is dishing out the accolades but not offering any usable feedback, then that’s not the eye you need on your work. How does it read? 

If your reader catches typos or something doesn’t flow, it’s time to revise the revision.
Remember, it’s not about the writing. It’s about reading. Write with your gut. Fall in love with your subject even if you hate it. Readers are intelligent; they’ll see right through anything fake. 

Write what excites you. If you are excited, then your blog content will be exciting. 

Here at Quill Marketing, we hire writers who love what they do. If you are looking for writers who add a crisp voice to their writing with reader-focused research, give us a call today
Compelling writing is about the reader, not the writer.