Why Readability Matters in White Papers

On the surface, readability is about how easy it is for someone to read something. In an SEO context, readability refers to Google’s ability to crawl and index a website. When it comes to white page marketing, readability is critical. 

Keep reading to find out why. 

How Google Works

Think about how fast Google returns your search returns. Seconds, right? But where does all that content come from? The answer is Google’s index. 

When a new website or content is created, it’s not automatically entered into Google’s index. Instead, Google will send out bots (also called spiders) to crawl the web and index new content. Based on your content’s search engine optimization, Google will then store the information and release it in search results when a matching query becomes available. 

This is at the heart of SEO and white page marketing as a whole. You create content that will eventually appear in Google search results. Then, when it does, it has the potential to convert into a lead and then a transaction. One piece of content that does this are white papers.

What Are White Papers?

White papers are sales documents. They are designed to offer insight into a product or service. Ultimately, these pages are designed to entice you to buy something. 

What Does It Mean for Content to Be Readable? 

In order for white papers to be indexed, Google has to be able to read them. This means that the content should be written in short, brief paragraphs (like this one). 

Readable content should also have bullet points where possible. The content shouldn’t have large areas of white space, nor should the content be written in hard-to-read text. The bottom line is that the content on your website should be easy to read. 

If the text is written in red font or in large blocks, customers are likely to leave your website in favor of someone else. The more people who leave your website due to its inhospitality, the more often Google learns that your website does not provide value to the consumer. This is regardless of whether or not the information you’re saying is valuable or interesting. 

Readability is a twofold term that is connected to successful white page marketing. If your content isn’t easy to read, then Google won’t recommend you as a top search result. They also won’t do so if they’re continually told that your content isn’t worth it. 

When it comes to keeping white page marketing successful, leave it to the experts. We’re here to help your valuable content be seen. 

Do You Need Help with White Page Marketing? Let the Marketing Professionals at Quill Marketing Lend You a Helping Hand!

When applied correctly, white page marketing can help you see a huge spike in leads and conversions. Don’t leave the success of your business to chance. 

Instead, contact the marketing pros at Quill Marketing for a consultation. We can be reached via email at hello@quillmarketstg.wpenginepowered.com. We look forward to chatting with you about your white page marketing needs soon!