Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: Four Signs Your Website Is Outdated

When it comes to digital marketing, you know that a good first impression makes all the difference.  You need a website that is current and relevant to help improve your visitors’ experience with your company. However, if you have an outdated website, it may not give visitors the impression you desire. As a result, your[…]

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

Why Email Marketing Campaigns Are Highly Effective

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash Many people think, and will tell you, that email marketing campaigns are behind the times and useless. This is simply not true.  Email marketing campaigns are actually still one of the strongest marketing techniques in use. Those who use email marketing campaigns effectively know the “secrets.” It’s Personal A lot of people[…]

Photo by Melinda Pack on Unsplash

Ten Statistics About Blogging

Blogging is still, and will continue to be, a key tool in getting traffic to your website. The blogosphere is rapidly changing and, as the saying goes, “Out with the old, in with the new,” is something every blogger should take very seriously.  We are over three-quarters through 2016 and here are ten statistics about[…]

Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

How SEO Can Lead to a Growing Business

When you Google “search engine optimization definition” it reads, “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of the results returned by a search engine.” So, now you know what it is, but how can SEO grow your business? Everybody is[…]