Revision and How to Use It

A white page marketing strategy is essential to helping revise your content so it's fresh and always accessible by consumers.

White Page Marketing. Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

You know how they say that good things don’t last? Well, the same could be said for a white page marketing strategy.

And believe it or not, this is a good thing.

As a small-business owner, your goal is to attract and retain new customers. A marketing strategy helps you accomplish this. However, marketing strategies are based on client feedback, analytics, and algorithms. Because these are constantly changing, so should your marketing strategy.

Here’s everything you need to know about revision and how to use it to your advantage.

Why Algorithms Change

But first, why do algorithms change? There are a couple of reasons. The biggest one is that they want to make sure the playing field is level for everyone involved, companies and consumers alike. Imagine if every time you were hungry, there was only ever one restaurant to choose from. Over time, you’d probably get sick of it. The same concept applies when it comes to the catalyst behind algorithm changes.

The second and more common reason is that a lot of companies tend to try and play the system to increase their rankings. For example, they might know that listing their company on Google as being open 24 hours gives them an advantage. It may work for a little bit, boosting their ranking, but ultimately they’ll get caught by Google.

In a nutshell, algorithms change to deter spamming activities and to give everyone a fair chance. But because of this, marketers have to constantly be on their toes to adjust their campaigns and methods on the fly.

How Revision Helps Drive More Business

The flip side to all of this is that revision helps keep your content fresh. Back to the restaurant analogy: if all you serve is one dish but then you suddenly introduce another, you’re going to get new business.

Laws, technologies, and consumer habits are always changing. So, the content featured on your blog or webpage may no longer be relevant. Revising your existing content to adapt to your current consumer’s interests and habits is a great way to drive more business to your site.

This is especially true because the more you update your website, the more often Google’s bots will crawl and index the new pages. This puts you at the forefront of new search queries.

How to Use Revision to Your Advantage

When it comes to revising your marketing strategy, you may not always know where to begin. This is where a white page marketing company comes in. They will be able to look at your analytics to see which web pages and blogs are ranking the most. If it’s different than what you expect, we’ll create new content to adapt to the new interest.

Likewise, a white page marketing company will be the first to know of any algorithm changes and adapt them to your existing strategy, so you can use them to your fullest advantage. This could be changing a writing style, adding new topics and keywords, or pushing video content over blog posts.

If you need help, the team at Quill Marketing can help.

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