Lead Generation: How Effective Blogging Makes an Impact

Do you want more leads? The solution is easy: get content written.

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

Do you want to generate more leads? Get content written!
Do you want to generate more sales? Get content written!
Do you want to get more quality business exposure? You guessed it – get content written! 

If you are a small business owner looking to get more leads, expand your customer base, and get genuine exposure, then you need to invest in quality blogs. Here’s how effective blogging makes an impact:

Creates Customer Loyalty and Makes You Appear Reliable

There are several ways that having an effective blogging strategy can help you. One of those top ways is by creating customer loyalty.

Regardless of your industry, crafting blogs that display your knowledge can let your customer base know you’re an expert. These blogs could include everything from expert tips or answering top customer questions. You could even provide further insight into what you do or policies you may have.

In addition to publishing your expertise in your industry, the more content you get written and pushed out, the more reliable you become. This loyalty doesn’t just end with your customers; it applies to search engines, too. Google and other search engines are always crawling websites for new content to index. Once indexed, Google has more information to provide customers when they enter their search query. By blogging consistently, you do two things. First, you let your customers know when they can expect content from you. And two, you let Google know that you’re a reliable source to be pushed out.

More Website Traffic

Because Google is always looking for new websites to push out, your consistent blogging schedule will result in more web traffic. If you are putting out good content, that is – which of course you are! 

The more people visit your website through blogs, the more Google will push your website out. This is because if they see lots of people visiting your site, they’ll assume your content is valuable and of interest to others. This back-and-forth is at the heart of SEO or search engine optimization. Of course, the more people who visit your website or come across it, the more leads you’ll generate.

Consider SEO one of the top ways of getting exposure and getting in front of new customers! 

What if You Don’t Have Time to Write and Publish Blogs?

As a small business, you’re already wearing so many hats. Maybe you want to blog but don’t have the time. If this is the case, don’t stress. That’s what white-label marketing companies are here for.

A white-label marketing company can ghostwrite blogs for you and publish them on a schedule so you’re constantly reaping the benefits mentioned above.

Ready to Get Content Written? The SEO Experts at Quill Marketing Can Help!

At Quill Marketing, not only can we get quality content written for you, but we will make sure that it’s written with the very best SEO practices. Contact us today to learn more about how this process works and how to generate new leads with an effective blogging strategy. Send an email to hello@quillmarketing.com to get started.