How to Increase Traffic to Your Website Without Even Trying

While SEO is designed for many things, increasing website traffic is one of them. Website traffic is the lifeblood of your company’s online success for several reasons. First, the more people who visit your website, the more Google will rank you in organic search results. Second – and most importantly – website content provides value to your consumer that keeps them coming back. The easiest way to bring people to your website is through white page blogging

Here’s what it is and how you can do it. 

What is White Page Blogging?

White page blogging involves creating formal documents online that highlight your company’s authority on a particular subject. Unlike blogs, which tend to be more conversational in tone, a white page is going to give you specific details about a subject. 

Whereas regular blogs are going to answer a specific question, white page blogs are longer and more in-depth, similar to a scholarly research paper. At its core, white page blogging is designed to showcase the author as a direct authority on a subject, as well as an industry leader. 

How it Increases Web Traffic

So how does white page blogging increase web traffic? Let’s circle back to SEO. Earlier, we mentioned that the more website traffic you receive, the higher Google will rank your page. But, there’s a secret to this. Google ranks websites based on several factors, including their relatability to the search query and the website’s credibility. As you can guess, this is why white page blogging is so beneficial to generating web traffic. 

The more you post, the more content you’re giving Google to crawl and index. Furthermore, the use of credible resources and content helps make your content more trustworthy. Therefore, people are more likely to visit your web page any time they have a question related to your area of expertise. 

In all cases, customers have to find your web content valuable to their search query. This is where the true benefit of white page blogging comes in because it helps create and establish that brand loyalty that keeps them coming back again and again. Keep in mind that, when developing these white page blogs, you should create an engaging, pragmatic title. Studies show that the right headline can increase click rates by up to 500%!

Plus, these blogs can easily be shared on social media where they’ll get more exposure. 

Do You Need Help With White Page Blogging? 

If you’re new to the whole blog writing thing, don’t worry. The team at Quill Marketing offers top-rated white page blogging services. With a talented staff of writers on deck, Quill Marketing can take the helm and churn out easy-to-read, quality content that will increase audience engagement and web traffic. 

Email us today at to get in contact with one of our team members. An email to us can take the guesswork of developing content yourself.