Five Reasons Why List Blogs Will Always Work

List blogs are not a new, trendy blog concept. They have been around as long as blogs have and they will remain one of the vital components to a successful blog. Why? They deliver quick, easy to skim content that is easily digestible. Additionally, it is simply human nature for people to like things organized. When someone else is doing the organizing, that is even better. Since you are here to skim the five reasons, let’s get to the list!

You Know What to Expect

The title of a list blog lets you know exactly what to expect. Whether it contains five or ten items, you read the blog because nothing is hidden. There is nothing vague and no surprises. Provided the content is good and on topic, the reader gets exactly what they expected.

They’re Broken Up

Bulky chunks of texts are unappealing. Lists are easy on the eyes. Online readers tend to skim content and decide within ten seconds whether they’ll read it. For example, if you love to travel, a blog titled Five Cities That Belong on Your Bucket List is very likely to be read in its entirety. An article with 15-line paragraphs on the same subject may be skimmed or not read at all. Furthermore, each item on the list can be a sub-header which is a great thing for your blog.

Readers Love Interaction

List blogs provide your readers with the opportunity to interact by agreeing or disagreeing with your list. For example, a reader might comment, “I cannot believe John Doe is number one and you forgot about Jane Doe!” This, my friend, is gold! Engaging readers is a blogger’s heart’s desire. Commenting, sharing, or saying how dumb you are on Facebook is getting your blog attention which equates to more readers.

List Blogs Get More Shares

If your list is an educational one and someone learned something, they are very likely to share it. The same applies if your list is hilarious. The same applies if the reader completely disagrees with you. Example: “This list is so STUPID!” Don’t take it too personally because you’ve just gained more readers who want to know what is so stupid.

They Provide Directions

The “How to” is arguably the most popular type of list blog. People love directions put in a clear, concise way. Adding great adjectives is a big plus in a “How to” blog. One example could be, “How to Easily Lose 10 Pounds in Ten Days.” This title engages two different types of readers. One type is those who want to lose weight quickly. The second type is those who think you are nuts and completely disagree with your list. Either way, you engage readers. Moreover, those who find it interesting and valuable, inevitably share it. Those who disagree also share it, and comment why they think you’re nuts. Both of these actions just got you more readers.

And the List Goes On

List blogs are not inferior to chunky idea-filled paragraphs. They do, however, need to have good content. If the content delivers what the title promises in an easy-to-read and understand format, chances are quite good readers will come back for more. The list blogs are here to stay and as long as you provide great lists, you just might end up with a substantial amount of followers.