Why Email Marketing Campaigns Are Highly Effective

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

Many people think, and will tell you, that email marketing campaigns are behind the times and useless. This is simply not true.  Email marketing campaigns are actually still one of the strongest marketing techniques in use. Those who use email marketing campaigns effectively know the “secrets.”

It’s Personal

A lot of people believe social media has taken the place of email marketing. Again, not true.  You may have 25,000 fans and followers on social media channels, but every single one of those are just a number.  An email sent directly to a fan, customer, or a potential customer is personal. Successful marketing campaigns focus on creating and sending high-quality (personalized) emails vs. several generalized emails that provide no value.

The Reach is Endless

Using email marketing can have a big reach and it is up to you to determine how many people receive your message.  Whether you want to start small or go big, the effort to send one email or 1000 emails is virtually the same.  As the marketer, you have great flexibility in how your email campaign is handled.

It Piques Curiosity

A teaser, a catchy phrase, or even a one-word subject such as “Wow!” certainly draws in readers.  Additionally, “Reasons why” and “How to” are still hugely popular as email subject lines.  For example, “Five Reasons Why You Need This Product,” and, “How to Make Laundry Detergent,” are two subject lines that pique the reader’s curiosity.  Ensuring the body of the email provides the details needed to support the subject, you can possibly gain another customer.  An engaging email is highly likely to turn from personal to profitable.

Emails Don’t Die

Unlike Twitter where a Tweet has a very short life span, emails have to be killed. Therefore, it requires an action even if that action is to just delete it, your email has been noticed. Until it is deleted, it will sit in the subscriber’s inbox waiting for an action.

No Competition

According to SalesForce, there are more than 3.2 billion email accounts today. 95% of online consumers use email and, 91% check their email at least once a day.  When a customer or potential customer opens an email, there is simply no competition in front of them.  The only product they are looking at and reading about is yours.  Perhaps more importantly, email is a habit for everyone now.  No one ever says, “I’m quitting email.”

It Builds a Connection

Email is still the most private way to connect with customers.  An email is equivalent to having a one-on-one conversation.  The most successful email marketing campaigns do not add a “donotreply” statement at the end.  Adding this is a mistake as it makes the reader feel anonymous and serves to end further communication.  Allowing the customer to reply to your email builds a connection thus making the reader feel valued.

ROI Is Fantastic 

Despite the explosion of new technology, marketers keep coming back to email. Why? Email is the channel generating the highest ROI for marketers.  The DMA National Client Email Report 2015 shows that email has an average ROI of $38 for each $1 spent.  Individuals and companies who successfully use email for marketing campaigns are reaping the benefits in profitability.

Last Words on Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns are hugely popular, profitable, and permanent.  There is no denying the possibilities an effective email marketing campaign can do for you or your business.  Gather your notes, do your research, and get started!