Photo by G. Crescoli on Unsplash

How to Sell Your Marketing Agency

Selling a marketing agency can be a difficult process. Since this type of organization is service-based, the employees are really what make and uphold the agency’s reputation in the first place. Any sort of infrastructure change can mess with the flow of the company, and depending on the deal, tamper the quality of the product itself.[…]

Photo by Taylor Swayze on Unsplash

How to Get More Miles Out of Your Blog

Blogging is one of the most instrumental marketing techniques that a company can implement. A good blog gives your program a voice, a persona, something other than a “services” page boring potential clients to death. However, you can’t just throw some words on a page without a purpose and call it good. There’s good blogging and[…]

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

How Blogging Helps Your SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is either a marketing company’s best friend or worst nightmare depending on the helpfulness, relativity, and originality of your site/blog. Blogging is one major way in which you can drastically help your SEO. Google has an algorithm that essentially either promotes or demotes your site, attracting or deterring potential clients. With[…]

Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

Great Stats to Know About Blogging

You may be asking yourself, why would my company need a blog? Do they even help attract clients? Towards the beginning of my career in marketing, I originally asked myself those same exact questions. My company is reliable, my products are good, blogging won’t help me achieve anything more than I’m already achieving. Well, I’m[…]

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

How Often Should You Blog

Blogging is a great way to connect with current and potential clients but the question is, “How often should you blog?” It provides you with the means necessary to showcase your company and your own personality, which is almost always a key factor in clients’ decisions as to where to take their marketing portion of[…]