Photo by Sergio Molina on Unsplash

How to Choose a Great Pic for Your Blog

Blog pics draw traffic, improve retention, and improve SEO. They can also get you into trouble, though. Using copyrighted articles, for instance, is a good way to land in hot water. Even if the image’s owner doesn’t pursue legal reparations, it’s pretty easy for them to turn your readership against you. Choosing poor-quality or unconnected[…]

Photo by on Unsplash

5 Signs Your Blog is Missing Your Target Audience

Having an attractive website and optimized on-page content will not lead to paying customers if you are failing to engage your target audience. Have you spent a lot of time and money building ways to market your business, but wondered why you aren’t gaining sales? If this is a question you have recently asked yourself,[…]

Photo by Teresa Kluge on Unsplash

What Makes a Good Blogger?

There are literally millions of active blogs on the internet today, and you don’t have to look very far to find a whole host of them that just aren’t good. While there are several factors and approaches to being a blogger, here we’ve compiled a few basic tips that will help make you a better blogger. Edit[…]

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How Proper Grammar Can Make You a Better Blogger

No one really likes grammar, but we all need it. Bloggers depend on it to make clear points and demonstrate their blogs’ level of professionalism. Proper grammar isn’t just a frustrating burden, however. Improving your grammar as a blogger can improve not only your sentence structure, but your overall blogging skills. Grammar, Reliability, and Professionalism[…]