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Why is it important to learn how to use video on your blog correctly? With the widespread acceptance of smartphones and unlimited data, people now more than ever prefer to get information in more than just word format. People are continually streaming videos online whether it be on YouTube, Facebook, SnapChat or your blog. Basically, adding videos can significantly boost your blog. Here is all about where and when you should add video content to your blog.
Provide Video Tutorials
Many people are visual learners. This means that when a visual learner visits your blog and sees a bunch of listed out instructions or information they are more likely to look towards other sources to find what they need. That’s why it is so important to incorporate a visual component into your blog. Video tutorials can take your blog to the next level. They are simple to make with several easy to use software available. You can post video tutorials by themselves, but it’s okay to add some text if it is helpful.
Video summaries or vlogs can help to sum up your blog writing. While you write your blogs for people wanting to read information, by adding videos you connect with a whole new audience. Creating a vlog that summarizes your blog post can spread what you have to say further, without adding another platform. This works best with short videos that have some follow up text underneath. You can also change your blog to a vlog the only format. In that case, it is best to create short vlogs that are separated. Short videos tend to engage the most with audiences.
Create an About Us Video
An “About Us” video is a short video summary of who you and what your blog is about. These videos typically the most visited page on a website. The “About Us” page tends to thrive the best after the home page. Creating a video on your blog is a simple and easy way to connect with your readers on a personal level.
While blogs are meant to express yourself through text, it doesn’t hurt to add some visual elements. Videos create an additional connection to your audience. It allows them to see and hear you and connect with you as an actual human being, not just words on a screen. With so many easy to use editing apps, adding videos are simple. Get started creating some visual elements on your blog today!