4 Digital Marketing Strategies Every Business Should Have

Digital marketing strategies are carefully thought-out plans that guide online traffic straight to your business. While there are a number of ideas that work well, our top four are SEO, content marketing, social media campaigns, and email marketing. 

No matter which strategies you choose, keep two important things in mind: 

  • Know Your Audience

Think through your audience. What demographic is most important to your bottom line? What are they most interested in? In general, what do they need most from you?

Always keep your audience in the back of your mind when making decisions about your digital marketing strategies. 

  • Be consistent

No matter which strategy you choose, you must be consistent. Your audience will come to rely on that consistency, especially if you’re supplying them with valuable and helpful content. 

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 

SEO-focused marketing means that you optimize your website to be one of the first results in a search engine by using on-page and off-page strategies to push your page to the top of search results. SEO knowledge is a must-have in today’s online marketplace. Even a basic understanding of the basics is an important first step. SEO isn’t a quick fix to a slump, but when managed consistently and over time, it will produce significant results.     

Content Marketing 

  • Website

Make sure your website looks and reads like your brand. Use content and keywords that are not only clear and concise, but are also SEO-focused. Keep track of your web content, updating it as needed. 

  • Blog

An easy way to reach your target audience is by publishing a blog on your website. Blog posts should be of value to your audience. Blog posts are a way to offer advice, suggestions, or provide helpful tips. Well-written posts with targeted keywords will help boost your website’s search engine results. Again, consistency is key! 

Social Media 

This is a no-brainer. Two of the most important social media platforms for successful marketing strategies are Twitter and Facebook. Of course, the perfect social media platform for you depends on your audience. No matter what, though, there is a social media platform out there for everyone. 

Facebook users love to share attractive, interesting posts they like with their friends. Typically, posts that include pictures are best. The more shares and likes you receive, the more visible you become. 

Targeted Facebook ads may also be a viable, short-term part of a wider social media strategy. These can get expensive, though. Have a clear plan in mind for the beginning and end dates.  

Email Marketing  

This is an effective, low-cost way to stay in touch with your audience. If you have collected emails from your audience members, you can use this communication to your advantage. Try emailing important sale information, marketing your blog posts, or even thanking them for their business. Effective email marketing strategies can drive traffic to your site. 

All of these digital marketing strategies work hand-in-hand to maximize your online presence. Using a professional company to design these kinds of marketing campaigns will increase your online visibility, help you stay on-brand, and consistently provide creative, unique content.