3 Blogging Tips that Most Marketers Won’t Tell You

Image by Austin Chan on Unsplash

If you’re a small business owner, chances are that you have a lot of different projects and deadlines on your plate. While finding new and innovative ways of marketing your company can be tricky, we’ll let you in on a few secrets. In today’s blog, we’ll take a look at three blogging tips that can make your job easier.

Blogging Tip #1: Always Do Research About Your Customer Base

The first tip to consider when using a blog to market your business involves keeping current on trends. While your business likely focuses on one product or service line, it’s important to understand that your audience has a diverse level of interests. Keeping abreast of industry trends is one way to make sure that you always have inspiration for fresh content. General knowledge publications and social media can provide new ideas for future posts.

Blogging Tip #2: Target Your Audience with Quality Content

The second tip to consider when using your blog to market your business has to do with the level of quality content that you post. While your instinct might be to always write about your products and services, you should do your best to mix things up a bit. When you understand what your readers already know and what they need to know, you can encourage networking opportunities. Customers, future customers, and even your own employees can provide a valuable perspective on your marketing techniques.

Blogging Tip #3: Embrace What Makes Your Business Unique 

The third tip when marketing your business through blogging involves understanding what makes your brand unique and writing about that. This concept is sometimes referred to as “brand journalism.” With this technique, you and your content writing team should look for elements that can be posted across platforms. While the format of images will be different on Twitter than it is on Instagram, the content included can be used throughout many platforms.

Remain actively engaged with new coverage surrounding your industry and from competitors. Even as you learn more from other experts in the industry, it’s important to never lose sight of what makes your brand and your content unique. Find a way to set your business apart and you’ll be amazed at how it changes the way your customers view your content.

Quill Marketing: Blogging Help for Busy Businesses

Now that you understand three tips for improving how your company creates blogs, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. If your company needs assistance with marketing-focused blogging, contact Quill Marketing Our team of experts has decades of experience in catering content to your unique business needs. Don’t delay–contact us today!