Why Your Blog Should Do More Than Just Advertise


Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Whether you are blogging for business reasons or personal reasons, you want people to read your work. And whether your audience are friends, family, or potential clients, you want to keep traffic coming to your blog so that more and more people can read what you have to say.

For most businesses, blogs exist to help potential clients find information and to get more traffic to the business’s website. While it can be beneficial to use a blog post to explain your company’s services, your blog should do more than just advertise.

Here are some reasons we think that you should strive to provide quality information rather than just advertise the benefits of your company.


Your Readers Will Come Back for More

When you post quality information, you make serving your readers through your blog a main priority. Your readers – whether potential customers or existing customers – will notice that and continue coming back for more.

When your readers know that you have their main interests in mind, they are more likely to come back for the content that you post. When readers continue to come back, there is a better chance that they will refer others to your site, gaining your business more exposure. Focus more on serving your readers rather than advertising to them – they will be more likely to come back to your site for any information they might need on a certain subject.


You Will Establish a Sense of Trust

The last thing people want to see when they are searching for information is mass advertising. It can take away the reader’s attention. When you focus more on helping your readers find the information they need rather than using every other sentence as an advertising brochure, your readers will develop a sense of trust for your website and the information that they find on it. Trust can go a long way; not only will it keep readers coming back, but it will allow them to understand that they can trust your products or services as well.


You Can Keep Your Reader’s Attention

As a blogger, you are constantly trying to think of ways to keep your readers involved and focused on what they are reading. That means having a catchy intro, a clear and concise message, and a great way to wrap it all up in a conclusion. That means a lot of time and effort is going into these blogs…don’t ruin that effort with advertising.

Sure, it’s acceptable to throw in your company’s name for good measure, but try to stay away from blatant advertising through blogging. When you end up using your blog for advertising, your readers are less likely to keep focused on what they are looking at. Because of that, there is a good chance that they will go elsewhere to find the information – and the products – they need.


Your Blog is an Extension of You

You wouldn’t want people thinking of you as a walking advertisement. You want to be more than that – you want to have depth and be knowledgeable about a range of topics. Why shouldn’t your blog be the same way?

If you view your blog as an extension your own personality, you will probably spend more time trying to make it better. When people read your blog, they will see your depth of knowledge and character. Whether it is additional information or new opinions, you want your readers to read through your page and take something from it.

View your blog as an extension of yourself, and there is a better chance that you will write with more passion and focus more on serving your readers rather than just advertising for your business.