How to Write Blogs: Shareable Content

Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash

Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash

If your company has a blog, you already know that it’s incredibly important to get shares. Social media is the lifeblood of your blog. People use Google to search for stuff too, obviously. Social media accounts for billions of hits every day, though. You need to create content that can harness the power of Facebook, Twitter, and the many other sites. Creating shareable content is harder than you may think. If you follow these tips and tricks, though, you may just succeed.


Write for the Right People – Sharing is Caring!


When you create content, you need to make sure people like what you write about. The first thing you need to do is identify the people you want to write for. Your blog must focus on a particular group of people. This can be a certain age group, gender, or something more specific. When you create content on your blog, you have to create it relevant to that demographic. The more relevant and targeted it is, the more likely they are to care about what you’re writing. After all, we all know that sharing is caring.


Write Content That Will Give Them Power


People share blog posts they find useful. There is usually a psychological reason behind this. A “tips and tricks” article with useful life hacks is likely to be shared because people want to help others. It is a very rewarding feeling indeed to share something useful on social media and be thanked for it. Always write content that can solve a problem while remaining relevant to your niche. This will ensure that your readers share the content in the hopes that they will project an “I got there first” image to their friends.


Controversy is the Key to Shareable Content


So many topics of discussion today are controversial. If you think, for example, about politics, Donald Trump blew up the internet a few months ago. During the days of the election, all the major news sites were writing about his campaign. Think back to those days – weren’t there hundreds of similar articles popping up on your social media feed? When creating your own shareable blog posts, consider current affairs. What is a trending topic of conversation right now? What topics would spark a lively discussion on your own blog and on social media? Creating a post with a focus on a controversial subject alone isn’t enough – you need to post it when it is most likely to be seen and talked about.


Include Humor in Your Posts


This isn’t always applicable. For most content, though, humor is a great incentive for people to share what they see online. There’s a reason why memes go viral every day. The funnier a blog post is, the easier it is to read. The easier it is to read, the more likely it is people will share it. This doesn’t mean that all your posts should attempt to emulate a Russell Peters routine. Keep your content relevant, but inject some humor into it to make people want to read it.


Have Calls to Action and Share Buttons


Your blog’s design can help with the sharing too. Include share buttons in your posts, preferably floating with your readers as they scroll through. At the end of your posts, include a call to action (CTA), naturally asking them to discuss what they’ve read. Asking your readers to share their opinions is a great way to get a conversation going.

Writing content is easy, but writing shareable content is a little trickier. Your blog needs the shares to survive, so make sure you do. By doing things as simple as being a little humorous, making sharing more accessible, and writing powerful, controversial, useful, and relevant content, you’re moving your blog to success. Take the time to craft beautiful shareable content for your blog today.