Great Stats to Know About Blogging

You may be asking yourself, why would my company need a blog? Do they even help attract clients? Towards the beginning of my career in marketing, I originally asked myself those same exact questions. My company is reliable, my products are good, blogging won’t help me achieve anything more than I’m already achieving. Well, I’m here today to tell you very politely that if you think like this, you’re wrong. Blogging has been the bread and butter of marketing in the 21st century, and if your company doesn’t have one, you’re a decade behind the curve. Here are 10 stats about blogging and its effectiveness.

Stats photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

Blogging Stats

1. 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs.

2. By 2013, it is projected that 128 million people in the US will be blog readers.

3. 23% of total Internet usage time is devoted to social networks or blogs.

4. 37% of marketers say blogs are the most valuable type of content marketing.

5. Among those who use e-mail marketing, companies that blog get twice as much traffic from their email as those who don’t.

6. Small businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than small businesses that do not blog.

7. 90% of consumers find custom content useful, 78% believe that companies behind content are interested in building good relationships.

8. Twitter users are 506% more likely to write a blog, and 314% more likely to post a comment or review than other internet users.

9. Once you write 21-54 blog posts, blog traffic generation increases by up to 30%.

10. The average person watches 182 online videos per month.

So along with blogging, there are other obvious improvements that you can make as a company. A social media influence is essential, specifically with Twitter and Facebook. Spice up your blogs, maybe adding videos or hyperlinks to other webpages – something interactive for the reader.

The stats don’t lie!  Blogging is one of the most influential components to a marketing company, not to mention how cheap it is relative to other types. Marketing is a science. It’s connecting the consumer with the producer at the right moment in time. But that right moment in time won’t have a chance to originate if the connection isn’t established in the first place. So in conclusion, GET A BLOG. Or, just let us do it for you. Here at Quill Marketing, we’re experts at blogging and how to do it effectively. So help us help you.

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Your friends at Quill Marketing