Five Tips to Maintaining an Active Social Media Presence

Social media offers your business the chance to develop powerful advertising campaigns and build strong customer relationships. All of this comes at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. An active social media presence, however, takes time and energy to build. Fortunately, we have a few tips to simplify the process.

Put Social Media Time in Your Planner

Social media requires regular, frequent updates. In order to maintain that regularity, sooner or later, you will need a reminder. The best way to ensure regular social media posts is to include the work in your planner. If you use a physical planner, make a note. If you use your phone, set an alarm. Be sure to set more than one reminder, because a good social media presence demands frequent updates.

Practice Uniformity

Customers look for reliability, and nothing proves reliable service like a social media presence that conforms to a uniform set of rules. Followers should be able to look forward to regular posts, and having a set system will help you meet that expectation. Set a formula that allows for flexible content. This framework will give you the outline for your articles, so you always have an idea where to start, and what you need to make a complete article.

Tie Customer Research with Post Diversity

If you use multiple social media platforms, you’ll need to create diverse content. While major posts, such as your own blogs or product announcements should appear across the board, it’s important to give followers a reason to subscribe across different platforms. Different platforms have slightly different audiences, so take the opportunity to do some customer research.

A Social Media Presence Demands Socializing

Use your social media accounts to follow other companies, individuals, and interesting pages. Sharing the work of others is a crucial part of social media. This still requires regular work, but it lessens your own production burden. This variety of content also gives your followers something besides original work with a clear bias toward your brand. By sharing worthwhile articles and discussing topics relevant to your followers, you establish your expertise.

Invite Interaction

An active social media presence demands interaction. Encourage comments, likes, and shares from your followers. This kind of feedback keeps social media accounts alive. Tailor your posts to not only inform, but engage. Give your followers a reason to respond. Ask questions, create polls, and challenge followers to participate in contests. Simple prizes can motivate organic advertising on a superior scale to any paid ad space campaign. Remember, above all, to take time every day to reply to comments. Social media users only follow profiles for their own profit, and keeping your followers entertained and interested is the key to a vibrant social media presence.

You cannot build a strong social media presence on your own, and you cannot do it overnight. It takes regular, small bursts of work that demonstrate your expertise and reliability to your followers. The followers themselves return the favor by liking, commenting, and sharing your posts. It may be a slightly more time-intensive option, but with these tips, it won’t be difficult.